Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Banana Passion Fruit!

Passiflora tripartita var mollissima

One plant that grows well here is Banana Passion Fruit, AKA Passiflora tripartita var. mollissima, or locally known as Tumbo. It's grown as a cash crop for sale in Arica, and most families have a few vines in the back yard.
Below right is my neighbor Avelino Flores Huanca, life-long Aymara resident of Putre and nearby Socoroma. 
I hung the old CDs to keep the thrushes and sierra finches away from the fruits, and strands of old video tape also work great. We water the plants every 3 days, and fertilize with either sheep or llama guano, a few days ago we spent all day digging up an old corral for 12 large bags of the "treasure". Recently a neighbor told me that the vines won't grow so rangy if the tips are clipped, so next time...

Resources for passion fruit enthusiasts:

Online Passiflora Journal
Passion fruit:  make juice, popsicles,
use it in baking or just eat it in the garden
Avelino Flores Huanca, Putre, 2011 

1 comment:

Wayne Bernhardson said...

It makes a great mousse as well.